Holiday Hours: 10-4 New Year's Eve, Closed New Year's Day, regular hours return on the 2nd.



Dispatches from The Daily Rider

Basil Bottle Baskets

Since the beginning of The Daily Rider, we’ve been fans of this robust multi-function basket. We introduced them at the 2011 H Street Festival and they’ve been a staple ever since.

These baskets come to us from Basil in the Netherlands. They also produce a front basket with a similar design.

With no mounting hardware or straps, they’re easy to install on any rear rack. You’ll find no end to their utility and surprising capacity. Attach one or double your capacity with two. Having one side loaded doesn’t affect your balance.

Already have one? Show us what you’ve put in your #bottlebasket on Twitter or Instagram!

Welcome to the newly-redesigned Daily Rider!

First of all, welcome to The Daily Rider’s new site. Take a look around and tell us what you think.

We wanted a platform that would allow us to communicate directly with you for the latest news and developments from the shop.

We’re really pleased with what our collaborators at CStraight Media came up with. If you need a design team for your next project, we can’t say enough about them. The whole team contributed to make this site something we can be proud of. Special thanks go to Thomas for leading the team from concept to production, and to Q. Jesse for managing content and keeping us on task. Thanks guys!

In the next few months, we’ll be announcing our rides, events, and classes here.

© 2025 The Daily Rider Website by Atmosphere Digital